Journal of an Optimistic Contrarian

The name of my blog stems from my worldview which is naturally contrarian. I also think too many people are unnecessarily pessimistic about the world we live in, thus the "optimistic" qualification. On this blog you can expect to find random musings on a wide list of topics and my feeble efforts at poetry. I work in the financial industry, and I can also be dubbed as a contrarian investor. And contrary to popular opinion, I am not a contrarian for the sake of being one (Or at least I hope not).

Location: Irvine, California, United States

Sunday, September 30, 2007

On freckles

I have always found freckles to be rather cute and attractive. So here is my tribute to the freckled :)

Shab-e-firoz ka noor barsaana har haseena ka bhi saubhaag nahi
Wo husn bhi kaise mahrukh ho gar chaand se mukh par daag nahi

To glow with the radiance of the moonlit nights is rare even for the beautiful
How can Beauty have a "moon-like face" if she doesn't have freckles (like the full moon)


Blogger Dr. Ally Critter said...


2:22 PM  

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